How to promote your sporting event for free in 3 steps

The promotion of your sporting event is the most important thing, after the safety and good organization of the event itself.
For this reason we at Keepsporting support the organizer of sporting events in this important activity. Through Keepsporting you can publish your event for free and make it visible to a vast international audience of sportsmen and athletes. Furthermore, Keepsporting will promote your events through Facebook, Instagram, newsletters to athletes practicing your sport, event presentation videos and press releases.
Here's how you can promote your sporting event for free with Keepsporting in 3 simple steps:
Then we will advertise your event for free!
Then, if you want to open registrations on Keepsporting, you can do. Collecting registrations for free events, or if you collect the money for registrations yourself, is completely free. If you wish to collect registrations through our payment systems (bank transfer, credit card and PayaPal), we will apply a small commission for transaction costs.
For any help you need for the publication of your sporting event on Keepsporting, do not hesitate to contact us through this link, one of our consultants will contact you shortly to help you set up your event.
See you soon!